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Green Ribbon Commission
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GE Green
Architecture Think Tank homework :: Only two participants so far...
People? It's all about follow-up, so where are you?
Darek Shapiro
January 4, 2006
Think Tank Notes
A 50% increase in electrical cost over the next 14 months.
will make CT the most expensive state for electric cost per watt in
the USA.
On site energy generation for buildings.
AIT High School
Magnet School at old Clairol site.
5 Megawatt generation at sewage plant. Possible peaking power
generation facility there also.
Residential : Young families and end users most interested.
Schools: When children get involved parents will come around.
Commercial: Renters in commercial buildings.
Demonstrate a cost neutral solution or better using Life cycle cost
Some things don't have as direct a payback like certified wood or
recycled materials.
Get groups other than architects to pitch the advantages of green
building to make the sale.
Locally State Senator John McKinney has helped build a bipartisan
coalition that nearly passed
green legislation last fall session. Lets build momentum in the
state legislature by writing our
local state senators about green building being the low hanging
fruit part of the CT
Action plan, it make a big difference.
10 Stories high.
1st floor 30% open to weather. 60% commercial space. 10%
2nd floor garage with 200 sq. ft allotment to each unit for parking.
Day Care center at third floor at south winter garden solarium. Gym
also on third floor.
5 and 1/2 floors of residential and commercial mixed use. Restaurant
on 1/2 of top floor.
Operable windows.
Natural convection using stack effect to minimize cooling loads.
ERV'S ( energy recovery ventilators) to provide tempered fresh air
in summer and winter.
Maximum of 30,000 BTU per sq. ft.
Stack ventilation flows through a roof turbine to make hydrogen
using wind power
through Avalence system. (Avalence Company Milford, CT.)
Geothermal heat pumps to heat and cool the building.
Loads should be balanced as as not to heat or cool the earth
IE: similar loads for heating and cooling in winter and summer.
P.V. ( solar electric module) mountable surfaces at spandrel beam
and patio railing.
Solar hot water collectors on roof, such as for
potable water.
Point of use Filtration using reverse-osmosis system to filter city
Grey water systems from sink and shower drainage to be used for
flushing water.
Rainwater is best harvested for irrigation use.
Structure is Steel frame
High performance building envelope with Low-E glass
Green roof with low maintenance plants such as sedum, and possible
food garden area.
Use Green Spec website.
Bamboo plywood flooring
Plastic wood decking
Floor shoe cleaners at entry areas.
FSC certified lumber for finishes such as casing.
Zero formaldehyde bonding agents.No VOC glues. Low VOC materials.
Darek Shapiro
Environmental Architecture LLC
Michele Helou
Monday, January 09, 2006
My message is that green building can be more effort and can be more
expensive - so it’s important to understand that a better product
will be valuable to building clients for a variety of other reasons
that in the end are sometimes more compelling than dollars and
cents. Of course, energy and other utility measures that may cost
more upfront but save money over time are a big incentive for green
building, but there are other selling points even when the numbers
don’t work in your favor. Different clients will be attracted to
different aspects of green building. Schools, hospitals, and daycare
centers will be concerned about choosing healthy, non-toxic building
materials, good indoor air and general environmental quality. There
are many studies that link high performance kids to high performance
schools, faster healing rates to healthy hospital environments, and
non-toxic materials to healthy growing bodies. Companies and
organizations may find that green building aligns with their
business mission and offers a good story to tell about their
commitment in addition to improving staff productivity. Even
speculative builders will choose green if they see an increased
marketing potential. Cities and towns will be attracted to high
building standards because it will attract good attention and
investment into making thriving, livable communities.
Ultimately all of these decisions come down to people’s values, and
it is very true, that most often, people will want to do good things
even if it costs a little more. We all consider purchasing organic
foods, taking mass transit, or buying local, not because there is a
financial payback, but because ultimately we value the improved
health, convenience, and good community and environmental quality
they offer.
What a fun time on the building charrette – let’s do more of this!
The goal in my practice is to get clients and design participants to
realize that good green design starts at the very beginning because
the first thoughts about design orientation, building massing,
occupancy type and schedule, and zoning systems turn out to be the
most critical for improved energy and environmental performance –
and they usually do not increase the cost. It is possible for the
building itself to passively harness the free resources from the
sun, wind, daylight and earth if you’ve got a design team that knows
how to do it. As with anything complex, there are many trade-offs –
capturing the sun’s heat in winter is great – but do it in the
summer and you increase cooling loads to the point where you’ve
negated any energy savings you had in winter. Orient windows south
not only because you pick up some solar from low-angle sun in winter
but because it is easy to shade high angle summer sun with a simple
overhang! Look at all the site and building resources – wind –
geothermal – water cooling – sun – daylight - first! Once we get the
heating, cooling, and ventilation loads down as low as we can – then
we start thinking about the mechanical equipment or renewable
sources of energy on-site. Conservation first – then efficiency –
that’s the way to do it and meet the budget! There is a fundamental
difference between building envelope dominated (your house) and
internally load dominated buildings where heat from people, lights,
and equipment, put the building in a cooling mode a good portion of
the year. This gets very complex so it is critical to have someone
at the table who understands the problems to solve before a solution
is prescribed – green design is a process!
Michele Helou
Green Building Services
More to come...