Photo: Starre Vartan - If you get tired of Remy's silly mug, mouse over it for a chemistry lesson.
(Website best viewed text size medium)
Organic Booze
Rain Vodka
Crop Harvest Earth Vodka
360 Vodka
Sunshine Vodka
Royal Grenadian Organic Rum
Organic Spiced Rum
Organic Spirits
Organic White Rum
Green Organic London Dry Gin
Utkins UK5
Organic Vodka
Orange V
Dà Mhìle
Organic Blended Whisky
Liquid Ice
Organic Vodka
Vodka 14
Rain Vodka
(organic grain)
Harvest Organic Scotch Whisky
Joto Sake
Organic Vodka
Square One
organic, but still cool)
360 Vodka
3 Vodka
(made from soy)
Energy Vodka
Gin (?)
S Guaro
Shot Pak
Organic Booze
& Trade
Distilling Institute
The Online
Distillery Network
Resources Inc.
Ethanol Fuel Activism
website is NOT approved by
(Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
But it is
a card carrying member of:
American Automobile Association
Ziegfeld Premiere

Launch Party
April 7th 2006 -
Stamford, CT
Indoor Village
April 14th 2006
pictures -

working on a comments function!
This is a low-tech venture...
email me, it's OK
I won't byte!

Our friends at
Orange V
are serving drinks at another
organic booze bash
in NYC on April 6th hosted at some secret VIP location in
Manhattan to celebrate the most recent installment of the
Conscientious Innovation SHIFT report. Based in Vancouver and Portland, OR,
Ci works with
sustainability driven companies including
Happy Planet
Edible Planet. Read their
white paper. The music will be by Canadian
Wagon Repair, the water by
Biota and the food by
Green Table. Thanks to
Learned Evolution for the head's up. But
you'll need to pull some strings to get there. It's a Nu Yak
thang, ya kna?
Posted by RemyC - March 28th 2006

Paul Dana, a very courageous and outspoken
advocate of ethanol fuel use in both racing and commercial
automobiles, sadly died last night during a test run around
Homestead-Miami Speedway. He was racing the Ethanol
Honda Panoz Firestone car for the
Rahal Letterman team co-sponsored
(not yours truly, but the General Motors battery company.)
He also had evil
sponsors like
Monsanto Imagine
who wants to control all the world's ethanol
production with GMO corn! Paul was only 30, and a
rising Indy racing star, as well as a life long writer, and
chronicler of the sport for major national publications. He
will be sorely missed, as one can only hope his team will
carry on his ethanol message. Read the
official press release from the ethanol
Posted by RemyC - March 27th 2006

Chris Parker's
Highland Harvest Scotch whisky is made
from organic grain grown and stored without the use of
chemicals or pesticides. "I couldn't deny that our impact on
pollution levels is tiny, but what I would say is that big
oaks from tiny acorns grow." Parker says his organic whisky
has much lower levels of methanol in it, also known as Mr.
Nasty. Methanol occurs naturally in the distillation
process, and is the culprit which causes hangovers. The body
metabolizes methanol into formaldehyde and formic acid which
are linked to a sore head."
also says: "Whilst natural yeast isn't as effective at
removing all the sugar out of the barley or the grain, it's
extremely high in ethyl acetate, which actively improves
flavor." More
here and
here! Cool cartoon
Posted by RemyC - March 25th 2006

Jeff Mendelsohn, president of
New Leaf Paper,
turned CocktailOrganico on to this new brand of organic
vodka. Just so happens
Square One
also wants to use sustainable paper
materials for all their business needs. They are working
hard with
GreenerPrinter in Berkeley to produce
labels, packaging, and all PR materials on recycled stock
and soy-inks. The labels are still giving them a few quality
problems. Allison Kent Evanow, CEO and Co-Founder, tells COblogs that she will have
product in her NY warehouse the 1st week of April, and will
start selling immediately in the Manhattan area with
simultaneous launches in SF, LA, and Santa Fe. Allison
intends to give part of after-tax profits to land and water
environmental causes, in addition to other social
responsibility charities.
Posted by RemyC - March 24th 2006

Why organic booze you ask? Why organic anything? Well, see
this film and you'll know why!
Deborah Koons Garcia directed, wrote and
The Future of Food with Catherine Lynn
Butler. Yes, Deborah was married to Jerry!
Monsanto created Roundup and
Roundup-resistant seeds, now wreaking havoc on farms all
over the world. The loss of progeny is nothing short of a
disaster of apocalyptic proportions and a return to the old
feudal system. The US Constitution used to ban
patents on living organisms.
Microbiologist Ananda Chakrabarty's oil-spill eating
bacteria and
General Electric changed all that in 1980,
opening the floodgates to global disaster. One more good
reason to buy organic booze, folks, and nothing else! Check
out the
trailer. Join the
bright side,
exploding heads &
Measure 27! If you're in Connecticut, go
Dekalb in
Posted by RemyC - March 23th 2006

The lead character played by Natalie Portman in the movie is
called Evey!!! As in EV for electric vehicles!
V For Vendetta
graphically glorifies terrorism, and blows up Big
Ben in London. The V For Vendetta logo is the street symbol
for anarchy, with a V instead of an A drawn inside a circle.
It's a miracle this movie made it to wide distribution in
the current anti-climate of Hollywood vs Washington. It's
going to spark quite a
raging debate, about leadership, about our
future, about the future of the planet, and yes... about the
role state-of-the-art electric vehicles are going to play in
the demise of the oil economy. Let's drink to that! In the
meantime watch this
French Connection commercial shown in the
theater before the film.
Posted by RemyC - March 17th 2006

Orange Vodka meets Florida oranges. I discovered
Orange V
on treehugger which more or less seeded the
idea for CocktailOrganico. We invited OrangeV to be a
sponsor at the
ICI-nyc party. That's when I learned
reading the back of the bottle OrangeV heralded from
Westport, CT. Let's face it, a lot of booze in America has
distribution based out of Westport for some strange reason.
We were neighbors. Dave Schmier, a founder of the
Idea Foundation,
a promotional strategy firm, with clients like Absolut
Vodka, started out wanting to make the best possible orange
flavored vodka. Just turned out organic! Liquid Ice Organic
Vodka from Idaho is Orange V's flavorless cousin. Dave now helps the
COblogs sort wheat from chaff. We got a lot of really cool
things in store for you!
Posted by RemyC - March 16th 2006

Plastic Planet dates from 1998. It was
part of the Just The Facts Learning Series aired on the BBC.
The video company Goldhil is long gone. I discovered the VHS
at my local public library, part of a six episodes set.
Plastic Plastic was the title of Geezer Butler's
first solo album in 1995, Black Sabbath's
bass player. While the series was designed for young adults,
Plastic Planet gets decidedly raunchy, delving into rubber
fashions and condoms. It concludes with a nod to green
plastics, ergo the
ethanol connection, courageous and
prophetic a decade ago. It's fast paced, extremely well
edited and fun to watch. I learned that
Teflon was classified by the US military
for 20 years before it found its way into your cooking pan
(it also finds its way into your food) because it is used as
a sealant to store U-325 for atomic bombs. Not until NASA
needed it as a heat shield for re-entry could civilian
kitchens benefit. They say there is no suppression of
technological innovation! Yeah, right!
Posted by RemyC - March 14th 2006

While the blog-o-sphere is abuzz
with eco-design,
this amazing
new book by prolific doom & gloom
Mike Davis reminds us that China has 194
million citizens living in slums, and that Mexico City has
by far the largest Mega-Slum, home to 4 million people. This
book owes a great deal to the data compiled by
Un-Habitat. Orion magazine has made this
book its
Mar/Apr cover story. Try to imagine how
much ethanol these people consume, and where it's coming
all the more reason to encourage regional ethanol distilling
programs, rather than furthering this incessant effort to
centralize ethanol production into the hands of a few power
hungry corporations. Anybody, anywhere, can make ethanol
from just about anything. I can't think of a better way to
re-empower entire communities by producing ethanol for fuel,
for medicine, and yes, folks, for "west and welaxation!" as
Elmer Fudd would say. Maybe that's why
alcohol is
prohibited in Islamic nations... these
religious leaders are afraid their flock might substitute
ethanol for petroleum, just like our oil barons.
Posted by RemyC - March 13th 2006

In the Mar/Apr issue of
Atlantis Rising magazine my friend and
Vancouver-based suppressed energy technology journalist
Jeane Manning writes: "Newspaper and TV
reporters are under pressure from the newsroom culture of
cynicism, and are also intimidated by science experts, and
thus don’t dig further regarding such a story. They don’t
talk to the researchers who work with out-of-the-box
science. For instance, the esteemed experts don’t do the
experiments that add resonant phenomena to the standard
electrolysis procedures. Maybe they would find that pulsing
the electrical input at frequencies that resonate with the
atoms in the water molecule encourages the molecule to
release its hydrogen and oxygen atoms more readily,
therefore requiring less electricity input." Same could be
said for ethanol combustion engineering.
Posted by RemyC - March 13th 2006

There's another revolution going on in cyberspace... The
slow demise of modeling agencies. All these girl book
themselves! They are their own agent. They wouldn't have it
any other way. They are smart, savvy, and most of all,
they're all treehuggers! They know the score. They know
what's going down. They control their image. They have a
brain, they think on their feet. They are fast becoming the
new pin-up stars of our generation. You've seen them, yet
you don't really know who they are yet. They're the new
independent breed. One is an extraordinary electronica
musician. The other a very funny stand up comic and hemp
activist. Yet another an amazing photographer in her own
right. One of them even makes fashion from condoms! COblogs
salutes them all! They each host pages on the
Model Mayhem
Posted by RemyC - March 12th 2006

GreenCarCongress (who won't give
Electrifying Times
a link, won't say why!) writes: "US producers
delivered 4.267 billion gallons of ethanol of all grades
(fuel, beverage and industrial) in 2005, up 20.6% from the
2004 level, and just exceeding Brazil’s total of 4.227
billion gallons. Of those 4.3 billion gallons, 3.904 billion
were fuel ethanol, up 15% from the 3.4 billion in 2004."
This could quadruple in a year if we were growing hemp
instead of corn, think about it! I mean, really think
about it! Check out this Frazier, Barnes & Assoc.
ethanol plant map of America. Gives
you a good idea of who's running the show out there! Study
the link between the
cattle industry and ethanol production in
Posted by RemyC - March 11th 2006

Things I learned today: Sterno
gelled alcohol
trapped in a network of solid calcium acetate !!!
Pure ethanol (aka absolute alcohol or dehydrated alcohol)
can be purchased as medical grade ethyl alcohol. Production
of alcohol greater than 95.4% requires a special dehydration
process that includes benzene or glycerine. While 95% grain
alcohol (190 proof moonshine) is non-toxic and can double
for medicinal uses. I also learned on
treehugger that you can't add more
hydrogen atoms to ethanol without turning ethanol into
something that isn't ethanol anymore. That methanol vs
ethanol ratio of hydrogen to carbon molecules for MeOH is 4
to 1, for EtOH 3 to 1. Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC)
pull electrons directly out of hydrogen: albeit one third
more efficiently than ethanol. But in racing, the fuel is
burned, not directly converted to electricity, in which case
ethanol is the better fuel. Read how
Argonne Labs is working on improving
ethanol combustion.
(Mouse over banner for a
ethanol t-shirt!)
Posted by RemyC - March 11th 2006

Papagayo Organic Spiced Rum from Paraguay
adds natural organic ingredients to the rum giving it
flavors of vanilla, ginger and even a hint of chili. The
story of this rum began in 1993 with an organic farming
project designed to help poorly paid sugar cane farmers. The
scheme flourished, and today more than 800 families in the
region benefit from better organic cane prices while
receiving an education in farming methods. This method of
production is perceived to offer significant environmental
benefits as well as improving standards of living for the
Posted by RemyC - March 5th 2006

Much of automobile racing today
uses alcohol blends. This would certainly be a terrific
topic for a book on ethanol fuel chemistry. Ethanol can be
tweaked in many ways, by blending oils to render it more
viscous, leading to better combustion and mileage. There are
additives that can be introduced to render its flame visible
in case of fire (mandatory now in racing) plus other things
nobody seems to be talking about yet, like means of
ignition. Spark plugs are antiquated devices.
Sandia Labs
looked into laser ignition at a time when lasers were still
a pricey proposition, but today solid-state lasers are
common place. Replacing spark plugs with an electronically
controlled laser ignition system, sympathetically tuned to
the molecular composition of the fuel, this could generate
tremendous increase in combustion. Read about ethanol for
IndyCar Series from
Hemelgarn Racing
and its sponsor
Alfalaval. Also check out Mark Thomas's
ethanol super far out
Funny Car.
Posted by RemyC - March 4th 2006

When Bush says jump, everybody
jumps! When Bush talks switch grass, he diverts media
attention from industrial hemp prohibition. Back in the
early 80's, after I joined
Factsheet 5 as its new age editor (not
my choice of title mind you) I opted to produce my own zine
called Sick which laid out my master plan for taking
over suburbia! One of my ideas was to genetically engineer a
very high glucose blade of lawn grass to then consolidate
all the lawn care services in delivering their grass
clippings to a municipal solar still. Monsanto already
develops genetically-modified corn for use in ethanol, so
why not lawn grass? Needless to say, the idea went nowhere,
though years later some high school kid got written up in a
local newspaper for patenting that exact same idea. We
talked on the phone briefly... needless to say I never heard
from him again. In the meantime, while we wait for a
miracle, read Amanda Griscom Little's ethanol article on
AlterNet, especially the amazing comments
Posted by RemyC - March 4th 2006

David Blume's book from
New Society Publishers
is part of the Mother Earth News Wiser Living
Series. Perhaps not since the landmark
Forbidden Fuel in 1982 has there been
such a walk down hidden memory lane of ethanol fuel. Blume's
book includes instruction for small scale production,
yielding ethanol for as little as 40 to 60 cents a gallon,
with distillery and plant design, vehicle conversion,
reducing emissions 99%. David is President of the
International Institute for Ecological Agriculture
and founder of the American Homegrown Fuel Co. Inc. In 1983
David produced and hosted Alcohol as Fuel, a ten-part
series on PBS, teaching thousands of farmers how to make
alcohol fuel. Big Oil got wind of the project forcing KQED,
the San Francisco PBS affiliate, to halt printing of the
companion book and cancel the release of the series to the
rest of PBS. KQED’s oil-funded lawyers crushed any attempt
to rescue it, the series ended up locked in KQED’s vault.
This book sat on the shelf for 20 years, earning a big fat
10 on our Don't Drink While You Drive, Drive What You Drink bumper sticker meter!
(Find out
publishing date and reserve your copy
Posted by RemyC - March 4th 2006