Greening the
Industrial Business Base discussion panel: Left to Right;
Lloyd Fremed, Xerox - Robert Araujo, Sikorsky - Andy
Neal, ANL Limited - Tim Dolan, Emerging Technologies - Frank
Kuchinski, Poulsen Hybrid - Jeff Leightman, Bridgeport Regional
Business Council.

Bridgeport Mayor
Bill Finch opens the Green Market Exposition at the Barnum

Mayor Bill Finch receiving Conscious Decisions Favorite
Fairfield County Mayor Green Coast Award from Barnum Museum
curator Kathleen Maher.
Milford Pedicab
displaying their Conscious Decisions Green Coast Award.

Green Jobs
Panel/Green Jobs Training discussion panel: Left to Right;
William Leahy, Institute for Sustainable Energy - Adrienne Houel,
GBCE/The Green Team - Carolyn Humphreys, Sunlight Solar -
Michael J. McCarthy, bluegreen Research Institute - Erin
Buckley, The Center for Green Building - Peter Curtis, Adjunct
Professor Gateway Community College - Jean Williams, 5 Million
Green Jobs.   
Adrienne Houel of
GBCE/The Green Team.

Bridgeport author
and historian Eric Lehman.

The Center for Green
Building in Bridgeport, CT.
The Aquarium from Norwalk, CT giving away free books donated by
E The Environmental Magazine.
Seth Leitman of
McGraw-Hill and Milford Pedicab.

Peter Curtis of
Gateway College, Jean William of 5 Million Green Jobs and

Steve Richardson of

Oil Drum Art of
Beacon Falls, CT.

Andy Neal
demonstrating his "The Wand" prototypes to Robert Araujo
of Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation.

Steve Zeitler,
co-founder of CitraSolv, one of the oldest and most innovative
green company in Connecticut.
Mayor Bill Finch
with Luis Ortiz of MIT and Kevin Townley of the Connecticut
National Guard.

LED designer Andy
Neal discussing the finer points of solid state lighting with
Mayor Bill Finch - In the background, Karen Soucy, marketing
director of E The Environmental Magazine.
Mayor Bill Finch's
Jedi transformation waving Andy Neal's prototype "The Wand"
battery operated LED torch lights.

Photos by Remy
Chevalier. |