The Day They Opened The Walkway
   Over The Hudson River...

     Text & Pictures
     by Remy C.


(Photo Scott McGillicuddy)         

On October 2nd 2009, I drove to Poughkeepsie, New York to chronicle the progress of Andy Neal's revolutionary LED design being installed on the restored railway bridge abandoned since the mid-70's after a devastating fire. The structure still sound, for decades a battle raged to either tear it down or re-invent it as a pedestrian walkway. The green buzz of this century swayed the good people of the Mid-Hudson Valley that the old bridge would become a symbol of renaissance for surrounding communities. Andy's lights fit right into this heroic plan to give a once thriving industrial region a second lease on life. The lights are being assembled just a few yards away from the East gate entrance, at the Mid-Hudson Workshop, next door to the amazing Palace Diner, where CIA students practice their culinary skills. The lights were not ready for the opening celebration, delays over voltage regulations. But Andy and his team set up demonstration stations. Friends of Illuma walked the crowd with prototype LED wands bringing attention to the new technology. We had a chance to rekindle Rock The Reactors ties with Congressman John Hall and Clearwater, insuring the lighting on the bridge will spell an end to nukes! For in-depth coverage of the opening celebration, please go to the Poughkeepsie Journal. Andy's lights are sold commercially by the Catskill Soap Company.

Official Walkway Over The Hudson Website

Chris Silva from the Bardavon Hudson Valley Philarmonic
Andy Neal and his team

Andy Neal at the West gate

Andy Neal at the East gate

Patricia M, Millington & John T. Brizzell from Bergmann Associates

Bill DelTosta, Mid-Hudson Workshop For The Disabled

Lots of Chrysler GEM neighborhood electric vehicles to shuttle VIPs across the bridge
Reporter for the Miscellany News, Vassar College's newspaper

John C. Tkazyik, Mayor of Poughkeepsie

Master of ceremony Jeanne Fleming & Erik Kulleseid, NY State Parks commissioner

In the center, Woody Pirtle who designed the banners and the literature for the celebration.

Senator Charles E. Schumer

New York Governor David Paterson

Congressman John Hall, 19th District, where the Indian Point nuclear power plant is located

Amerscot Highland Pipe Band

Members of the Hungry March Band

East gate opens to the public

Clearwater Sloop
Mid-Hudson Juggling Club

Tiki bar in Poughkeepsie!

Photos of Pete Seeger Singing on the Walkway by David Santner

Back to Rock The Reactors

(Thanks to the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel)